Moroccan Thyme Essential Oil Our White Moroccan Thyme has a 31.5% Thujone content and reputed to be strongly anti-viral. It is considered an antibacterial agent and helps to treat tick bites, prevent infection and has been known to work as a fungicide. Because of its Thujone content, please avoid use during pregnancy or with small children. This product is first steam distilled from the flowers of the plant which creates a red Moroccan Thyme oil. The re-distillation produces the more gentle white Moroccan Thyme.Moroccan Thyme essential oil is extracted from Thymus vulgaris by steam distillation from the leaves and freshy flowering top of the plant.Moroccan Thyme essential oil and White Moroccan Thyme oil. They have very similar therapeutic properties, although some suggest that white Moroccan Thyme can help cultivate courage
Moroccan Thyme Oil has been used for centuries for respiratory and digestive troubles. Today it is one of the best natural antimicrobial and antiseptic essential oils Moroccan Thyme and its essential oil has been in use for more than thousands of years, where the ancient Ayurvedic philosophers explored every essence of this powerful herb in treating an extensive range of illnesses naturally. Saints, warriors and scholars of the prehistoric period valued Moroccan Thyme for its power to grant physical endurance and valor along with emotional and spiritual insight to pursue their life’s vision perfectly.
Moroccan Thyme Oil can be added to your favorite essential oil blend to help boost your cleaning power. Add a few drops to your laundry load to disinfect linens from a sick room, or when you have been out and about in cold season! For more recipes of Moroccan Thyme oil: It is an ancient herb used in medicine by the Greeks, the Egyptians and the Romans and is an evergreen perennial , with a woody root system, much-branched stem, small elliptical greenish gray aromatic leaves and pale purple or white flowers. The name is derived from the Greek word 'thymos' that means 'perfume' and was used as an incense in Greek temples. The Egyptians used it in embalming process. During the middle Ages it was given to jousting knights for courage, and a sprig of the herb was carried into courtrooms to ward off diseases.Moroccan Thyme that has a sweet, yet strongly herbal smell and is reddish-brown to amber in color. Extracted from the fresh or partly dried flowering tops and leaves of the plant by water or steam distillation, this oil has wide application area.
Moroccan Thyme essential oil helps to treat depression, colds, sore throats, muscle aches, oily skin, poor circulation, tonsillitis, coughs, asthma, laryngitis, sinusitis and also used as insect repellant. Moroccan Thyme essential oil blends well with orange, cedarwood, oregano, pine, bergamot, grapefruit, Lemon, Lavender,and rosemary Oils. Caution: Avoid Moroccan Thyme essential oil during pregnancy, if have high blood pressure and it is irritative to some skin. Moroccan Thyme oil is usually extracted from the plant variety Thymus vulgaris. Two commercial varieties of Moroccan Thyme oil are recognized from this plant,red and white. The red Moroccan Thyme oil is a crude distillate and has a high oil percentage. The white Moroccan Thyme oil is derived by re-distilling the red oil and yields a lower oil percentage. The value of Moroccan Thyme oil depends a lot upon the phenols it contains.
Moroccan Thyme essential oil is an efficient hair tonic. If you have dull or brittle hair or if you are losing your hair, just add 2 drops of Moroccan Thyme essential oil to the shampoo that you are regularly using. And for the last rinse (that you will use after your shampoo), dilute 2 drops of Moroccan Thyme essential oil in a tablespoon of spirit vinegar and in 5 cups of mineral water.Moroccan Thyme oil has a number of healing benefits that make it useful for aromatherapy. The medicinal actions of Moroccan Thyme are attributed to its phenol content. This phenol content is in a moderate amount in white Moroccan Thyme oil and is thus better for use in aromatherapy.